17 FEB


The Centre for Building and Social Action (CBSA) are excited to announce that they recently secured £99,000 funding from The National Lottery Community Fund to launch #BeTheChange.  Through this funding, three rural communities located within Carmarthenshire; namely Kidwelly, Newcastle Emlyn and Ammanford will benefit from young people aged 16-24 being supported to bring about positive change in their local areas. 

The project; to be launched in April 2020, will see 80 young people across the three areas engage with local people, organisations and businesses.  They will plan, organise and deliver a range of community projects whilst being supported by the project coordinator, project staff and a range of volunteers.  We hope local businesses and community activists will actively support the work of our young people.

In each area young people will decide upon the priority need within their community based around three key themes i.e. community action, environmental action or democratic empowerment.  Each project will be peer led and the young people will take ownership of their projects and a small budget.

The aim of this project is to put young people at the heart of their communities; giving them a voice.  It will also break down negative stereotyping towards young people and bridge the inter-generation age gap within each area.

CBSA are an established not for profit community anchor organisation who have over 30 years of experience in helping young people and delivering sustainable change.   

For further details, contact:

Janice Morgan at jmorgan@cbsa.org.uk or telephone 01554 779910

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