14 JUN

First Aid is a life saver

Following an accredited first aid course for Families Together members and volunteers,  we have been hearing about how several partipants have needed to put their new found skills into practice.

One member used her skills twice in one day, firstly to save a baby from choking,  and then assisting a friend when a hot drink scalded her child.

Another member of the group used her new knowledge to stay calm when her child managed to get a lego brick wedged in a nostril! She was able to deal with the situation without stress, knew not to try and remove the brick herself,  and got the help her child needed.

In a more serious incident, another participant assisted members of the public before the paramedic team arrived on the scene of a cardiac incident. She said " I knew what to do - I didn't even have to think. Am so grateful for the First Aid course that Families Together put me through".

Congratulations to all our Families Together participants who have achieved their First Aid certificates.

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Bright Sparks

VINCI Building partners with Foothold Cymru
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