On Monday the 24th October we hosted our first ever Foothold Cymru Volunteer Awards presentation and tea party.
As a charity, we're incredibly grateful for all the dedicated volunteers who donate their time and talents to support the work we do here in West Wales. We really couldn’t do all that we do without their support.
Recently we opened nominations for our first ever volunteer awards and we were delighted to award the winners of each category with certificates at the event.
The winners were:
- Best team: Burry Port Community Shop, led by Dee Hamilton
- Young volunteer of the year: Amber
- Most inspiring: Katherine Thomas
- Most uplifting: Adam Muldoon& Jess Ne LeFeuvre Rees
- Most Creative: Eve
- Best Doggie Volunteer: Terry and his late dog Delphie, who passed away a few months ago. and had volunteered with us since 2015. Terry brought along Forest, his new dog who was so well behaved.
To every single volunteer who gives us so much - you are all amazing! You not only support Foothold Cymru, but you also support and lift each other and are an essential part of the Foothold Cymru Family.
#volunteersmakeadifference #VolunteerAwards #volunteersareawesome