25 OCT

Simon reaches his goal

Simon signed up to Family Goals seeking assistance with his job search and improving his prospects in the workplace.

He undertook and completed the NOCN Level 2 in Employability, which was taught by both Lucy, one of our trainers, and Mike, the Executive Chair of CBSA.  Simon found the course extremely useful and he said: 

“Please tell Lucy and Mike thank you and I found them very inspiring”.  Simon completed Family Goals and went on to further learning, and he has now found full time employment with Burns Pet Food.

Laura Campbell-Kent, Project Officer said "Simon just shows us how Family Goals can help participants. He put in the hard work, we just gave him the helping hand he needed".

If you know someone who could benefit from the Family Goals project which runs in Carmarthenshire and Swansea, please contact us on 01554 779910.

08 Sept

Full Circle & Zero Waste Week

Bright Sparks
04 Sept

Bright Sparks

VINCI Building partners with Foothold Cymru
20 Jun

VINCI Building partners with Foothold Cymru