26 JUN

Supporting people back into work.

Dave came to CBSA having been unemployed for over 5 years, this was largely due to an extended period of ill-health   His experience with previous support organisations had not been successful and he had not had an interview for some time.    His confidence and motivation were low and he had a negative view of employability support programmes and his chances of getting into employment. The length of time Dave had been unemployed was becoming a significant barrier to him being considered for roles in his preferred occupation and progression was hampered by this low-expectations and mind-set.

Dave’s project officer immediately referred him onto our NOCN in Employability at Level 2.  As part of the qualification Dave reviewed his CV, which failed to show the breadth of his experience or his transferable skills.   He was helped to revamp his CV and covering letter to more effectively market himself to employers.  

As part of the qualification,  we discussed realistic jobs that Dave should apply for in the short term and also longer term career goals.  He was advised on how to job search using a broader range of sources than he had used previously and was given advice and training on interview techniques.  Dave said that he found the course ‘really powerful stuff’ and was fulsome in his praise for Lucy and Mike who delivered the training.

Having boosted Dave’s employability skills and refreshed his approach to seeking work, we then helped him source suitable vacancies.   His improved CV secured him an interview with a local food manufacturing company and a production assistant.  Prior to the interview we gave Dave a mock interview, covering the type of questions he was likely to be asked.

The preparation paid off: Dave performed extremely well at interview and only narrowly failed to get the role.   The feedback provided said that they would welcome a further application from him at a future date.  A more confident Dave, was not daunted and said that the experience has made him determined to get the next job that he applies for.

Dave continues to job search with the support of CBSA; at the same time he has asked for support from the Job Centre for forklift training as he also has a far clearer idea of his careers goals.

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